We are hosting our third annual free, all-day event to kick of the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show season!
Spend the day with presentations by expert guest speakers, networking with industry professionals, family-friendly entertainment in the courtyard, and the opportunity to view our latest exhibit installations!
Admission to the museum is free all day!
Activities in courtyard will take place throughout the day and will be announced shortly.
Seating for presentations is limited, reserve your seat today!
Please note that if tickets for a presentation are sold out, the remainder of the seats available for the seminar will be available for first come, first serve. So plan to arrive early so you can still participate! We also encourage you to sign up for the waitlist in case of a cancellation.
Event Schedule:
10am Mark Pecha: Turquoise Provenance
11:30am Billie Hughes: Inside Out: Journey Into the Center of a Gem
2pm Dathon Golish: OSIRIS-APEX – A continuing mission to asteroid Apophis
3:30pm An intimate talk with Mary van der Aa Fine Jewels and Tucson Todd’s Gems
Museum closes at 5pm